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Concierge Pediatric Care FAQ

Concierge Pediatric Care FAQ

What is concierge care?

It is a membership-style relationship with your doctor, where for a flat monthly fee, you have access to high-quality, comprehensive care.

You are able to reach your doctor directly for questions and concerns. 

What about insurance?

By eliminating insurance, concierge pediatricians are able to provide longer, unrushed visits with low or no wait times.

They are more available to address your questions and concerns when you’re out of the office.

They are able to give each patient the time and attention that you deserve for deeply individualized service. 

What about labs, X-rays, specialists, and hospital visits?

Maintaining insurance for care obtained outside of the concierge office is a good idea.

One way to reduce premium costs is to consider a high deductible or catastrophic insurance plan that covers the expensive care.

Concierge membership costs are transparent, allowing you to budget more predictably. 

What does membership include?

All physicals, office sick visits, virtual visits, and texting/calling your doctor directly.

Same-day/next-day sick visits are generally available.

Most issues can be managed without an in-person visit, and conveniently managed from your phone!

Have peace of mind that expert advice is just a call or text away. 

What’s not included?

The cost of lab tests, medications, radiology, vaccines, and specialist/ER/hospital visits are not included in the membership.

These may be covered by your insurance.

If you are uninsured, we can help you find reasonable cash options. 

How is concierge care different from traditional medical care?

In a traditional, insurance-based office, doctors see 20-30 patients a day, leaving little time for in-depth, customized care.

If you call with a question, you likely have to leave a message with an assistant, play phone tag, and maybe get an answer hours or days later.

You may be told to come into the office for something that could be taken care of remotely.

When you’re sick, you don’t always see your preferred doctor, and are sometimes sent to urgent care because they ran out of appointments. 

From a pediatrician's perspective:

I was increasingly frustrated by the time constraints imposed by busy insurance-based care. 

I wanted to provide detail-oriented, highly-personalized care that got to the root of my patients’ issues, instead of simply placing band-aids on their symptoms. 

Care was fragmented for my families:

They’d see me for well visits, a nurse practitioner for sick visits, and when they’d call with questions, my medical assistant would field them without always running them by me.

After hours, a nurse triage line answered calls; the on-call doctor who responded to urgent inquiries wasn't always familiar with my patients.

I wanted to be the sole go-to person for all my patients’ needs. 
I wanted a deeper and more personal relationship with my families that allowed me to care more effectively for my patients.

With concierge care, I now practice medicine the way I envisioned.

Families text me directly with concerns and I am able to quickly troubleshoot and provide immediate solutions.

I can give rapid reassurance to parents’ worries.

I bring patients in asap if they need to be seen.

During hour-long checkups, I discuss health maintenance and prevention with comprehensive depth.

I am the go-to, point person for any health-related issues. 

The most rewarding part of my new practice has been providing home visits for 4th trimester care.

Being able to spend up to 2 hours each time allows me to comprehensively offer newborn care, lactation assistance, and postpartum support in one visit.

The families and I are able to discuss their thoughts, concerns, and observations in a relaxed setting.

I leave each visit feeling fulfilled, knowing that I have put my experience and expertise to good use. 

Families feel reassured that I am only a text or call away if they have pressing newborn concerns.

If the benefits of concierge care membership resonate with you, check out Blossom membership details here.


Dr. Chan is a pediatrician in Houston, TX. She provides in-depth pediatric care, in-home postpartum and newborn care, extensive lactation support, and expert tongue-tie treatment.

* Any information contained in this blog post is for educational and informative purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Individual results and experiences may vary; no guarantee of specific clinical outcomes is implied by any statements made on this blog.

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